How do we escape from this dark world? A world of secrets, a world of lies, a world of half-truths? How do we sail on this sea of deceit? What light do we see in this world where what a friend knows is just the tip of an iceberg? Is there a hope for a cleaner world?
Maybe there is hope. Maybe trust is the name of this light. Trust brings back trust from the people worthy enough to be named humans. In time the trust and the truth make other people see a new way. And this people are your friends. Your real friends. The people to whom you can trust your life and your darkest secrets. The people who will not judge you, but only listen and advise you. The people with whom you will talk to enlighten your mind. The people who will be there with you for one life or more.
And step by step, light start to shine in this world, ice start to melt and the sea becomes again a mirror of reality.
Hope has returned to this world.